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The Virtual Laboratory for Earthquake Engineering (VLEE) has been developed as an educational and research tool for Earthquake Engineering. With this interactive tool, “Virtual Experiments” can be performed without direct use of complex simulation software. Additionally, the VLEE allows communication, collaboration, discussion and information exchange among users.
The VLEE contains a list of virtual experiments classified in several fields. The execution of the virtual experiments requires the use of design tools and/or simulation tools. The virtual experiments contain the theory, objectives and method for the experiments. The design tools are a set of programs for online design of structures. The simulation tools are a set of programs for simulation of structural behavior. Some simulation tools use OpenSees as analysis engine. Once a virtual experiment has been executed, registered users can post their results, observations, conclusions and they can start a forum.
The users can also contribute with experiments using the existing design and simulation tools or they can propose new ones. Additional, the VLEE has a Glosary and Contents section where the users can contribute on related subjects.
I hope you enjoy your visit. The VLEE is under development. Please report your comments, bugs, and suggestions to vasuarez@utpl.edu.ec
Vinicio A. Suarez
Warning: UTPL and the authors are not responsible for mistakes or misinterpretation of the information generated in the VLEE
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